Ben Scofield

Ben Scofield

… rarely updated

04 Sep 2009

Go west, young developer

[[posterous-content:sgnwcAejwckatlhHxfhx]]Developer Day has visited Durham, DC, and Boston so far.... Isn't it about time we left the east coast and headed west? Developer Day Boulder is coming on October 10th! We're still in the process of finalizing details, but so far we've got Chad Fowler keynoting, David Eisinger speaking on using email as an interface for your application, and Rob Sanheim talking about building in the cloud - and if the past is any indication, the rest of the speakers (who'll be announced over the next few weeks) will be fantastic developers and practitioners in a variety of languages, technologies, and domains. Early bird registration lasts until September 25th, and is just $50 for a full day of great talks, food, a t-shirt, and some good old-fashioned community building. After that, the fee'll jump to $75, and the shirt won't be guaranteed, so if you're anywhere in the Boulder-Denver area and free on the 10th, register today!